I BELIEVE……..in the beliefs and values that motivated our Founding Fathers
I BELIEVE……..in a free and decent society; a free and decent society of responsible citizens that respect notions that are especially indispensable in a modern and democratic society; notions of freedom, the rule of law, the importance of tradition, small government and the worth of strong families and education.
I BELIEVE……..in a small and effective government; a limited government whose policies are based on the principles of the free enterprise system. A government who concentrates on its core functions and shows no favor.
I BELIEVE……..in a government with a strong national defense.
I BELIEVE……..in a government where taxes are fair and understandable
I BELIEVE……..in American Exceptionalism and like Ronald Reagan, I understand American Exceptionalism. I understand America's greatness and I understand America's role in the world for the good. I too believe, as President Ronald Regan believed, that “America is a Shining City on a Hill, that we are blessed as a Special Light for all Nations”.
I BELIEVE IN AMERICA……..in a safe America where choices count; choices in health care, retirement and where everybody is afforded the opportunity to go as far as their talents, aspirations and dreams will take them.
IF YOU BELIEVE AS I BELIEVE……..I respectfully ask you for your support; for your vote. God Bless you and God Bless America…………………..Andy